Monday, June 10, 2013

Ken Hunt - Child Killer? - Paradise Irrigation District

Ken Hunt
1665 Wagstaff Rd 
Paradise, CA

My friends and I decided to create our own blog featuring our opinions on the recent tragedy in Paradise, California.

These are only our personal opinions and comments. We have a legal right to post our comments and opinions. We also have a legal right to post any info (address - etc) that is obtained legally, and already available online.

We feel that the Paradise Post is deceiving their readers. The Paradise Post is a local small town piece of crap newspaper featuring a staff not good enough to work for a real newspaper.

We have noticed that most comments against the driver, Ken Hunt, get deleted. Is the newspaper trying to deceive the public by not allowing readers to see the negative comments? We believe so.

We are posting our comments in response to the idiots who post comments supporting Ken Hunt.

For example. Victoria Hunt, a relative of Ken's, implied in a posting on the newspaper's website that Ken had been cleared. Victoria is lying, trying to deceive readers. The truth is Ken has not been found at fault, but, Ken has NOT been cleared. The investigation is still in the early stages.


1 - Skylar was crossing legally in a crosswalk. Pedestrians have the right of way, and drivers are required by law to stop at any crosswalk to allow pedestrians to cross.

2 - The car in the other lane stopped, as required by law, to allow Skylar to cross. Ken did not stop.

If you're paying attention, obviously Ken wasn't, if you see a crosswalk, and the car in the next lane has stopped at the crosswalk, unless you're an idiot, you should assume someone is crossing.

Yes. Ken Hunt must really be hurting. He hits this boy, the boy later dies, and less than a week from the time Ken hits this boy Ken is attending a PID meeting. Does that sound like he's really hurting? The crosswalks in Paradise meet all legal requirements. Blaming the city is stupid. It is the responsibility of all drivers to keep their eyes focused on driving. Too many drivers are ignoring the law as they continue to use their cell phones while driving. We're not saying Ken was using a cell phone, but he was obviously not paying attention.

If one of Ken's grandchildren, Taylor, Ricky, Morgan, etc, were hit and killed, Ken and his family would be screaming for justice, but since the victim is not a family member, Ken, his family and friends, are more concerned about Ken than they are of Ken's victim.

All you supporters of Ken should ask yourself "what if it was my child he hit?" If it was your child, bet you'd be singing a different tune. If it was your child you'd be screaming for justice because you're two faced.